What if I’m Out of Town, or Can’t Pick Up My Share?

We understand that many of our members travel during the growing season, and that everyone’s lives are busy and full. We have a simple process for working with our members when they are not able to pick up their shares at any given time.

CSA members notify us at least 1 week before the CSA day they will miss by filling out an online form. The form allows our members to choose from the following options:

  • Donate your share to Neighborhood House Utah.!

  • Coordinate with a friend or family member to pick up your share for you while you are away.

  • Reschedule your missed shares to be picked up on another date

    - Weekly members will get two shares on the replacement date they choose.
    – Half-Share (bi-weekly) members have the option of rescheduling for one of their “off” weeks, or receiving double shares on their regular pickup-delivery date

Current members can reschedule or cancel shares here.